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Follistatin 344 Nasal Spray


Follistatin 344 peptide nasal spray presents potential benefits in supporting muscle growth, regulating metabolism, and potentially aiding in the management of age-related muscle degeneration.

15ml Nasal Spray contains 1mg Follistatin 344
30ml Nasal Spray contains 2mg Follistatin 344

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Follistatin 344 Nasal Spray Peptide Estonia

Follistatin 344 nasal spray is a peptide used to enhance muscle hypertrophy by suppressing myostatin. This protein is bound to carbohydrates in the skeletal muscle of humans and other species.

Follistatin 344 nasal spray was the first autocrine glycoprotein peptide to gain popularity for its ability to enhance muscle growth.

Myostatin is a chemical that inhibits myogenesis, the process of muscle formation during growth. Follistatin 344 prevents the regulation and restriction of muscle mass growth.

Some Estonia studies on mice, showed no significant effects on internal organs or reproductive capacities. Follistatin has been considered a safer and healthier alternative to commonly used anabolics for promoting muscle mass.

Follistatin 344 Nasal Spray Benefits Estonia

Enhances Muscle Mass and Strength:

Follistatin-344 has been scientifically proven to bind and block growth factor peptides like myostatin, thereby enhancing skeletal muscle, increased muscle mass and strength. Myostatin, a vital hormone that regulates and limits muscle development, can adversely affect tissue function and contribute to chronic diseases of the organs, bone marrow, and tissues, particularly in the context of skeletal muscle fibrosis.

Follistatin-344 effectively inhibits the degenerative effects of myostatin and the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which may cause abnormal hormonal activity and testicular dysfunction in men with elevated FSH levels. It is important to note that high doses of this hormone can potentially hinder muscle repair and muscle development, while low levels can negatively impact fertility.

Increased muscle gains:

Follistatin 344 has been demonstrated in Estonia clinical studies to enhance muscle mass and muscle strength, albeit primarily in animal models. As such, the use of Follistatin 344 nasal spray has not been subject to official research investigations involving human volunteers.

Mice lacking myostatin and with increased levels of Follistatin exhibited significantly larger muscle fibres compared to the control group. Additionally, Follistatin 344 appears to have additional effects on muscle growth and development beyond its muscle inhibitory actions.

Myostatin has also been shown to exert a notable influence on muscle mass. Animal studies using mice possessing both the follistatin transgene and the myostatin-blocking gene exhibited four times the muscle mass of the control group.

A deficiency in follistatin at birth can result in reduced muscle mass, potentially impairing the growth of organs, bones, and tissues. Additionally, it may disrupt hormonal balance.

Fertility improvements:

Clinical trials have shown that follistatin offers fertility advantages for both men and women. The anti-activins within FS-344 play a significant role in reproductive aging, as well as ensuring safe pregnancy and delivery. Moreover, studies indicate that this peptide may also alleviate symptoms associated with menopause.

Additionally, the protein Folistatin 344 is naturally found in healthy sperm. Therefore, supplements containing Follistatin 344 may potentially aid in sperm production in males.

Preliminary research indicates that Follistatin 344 nasal spray has the potential to enhance fertility in both genders. However, it is important to note that this hypothesis is still in its early stages of development.

Hair growth:

Follistatin has demonstrated a notable impact on human hair growth, as evidenced by scientific studies. The administration of follistatin to individuals experiencing hair loss was found to increase hair density and thickness.

Cancer studies:

Breast cancer patients administered Follistatin 344 peptide supplements have shown improved prognosis, as indicated by researchers. Furthermore, this intervention holds promise in addressing cancer and its associated impacts.

Comprehending the mechanism of action of Follistatin may pave the way for novel breast cancer and broader cancer therapies. Additionally, treatment with Follistatin could enhance long-term survival rates, potentially leading to the development of a cancer vaccine or prevention strategy. Although still in its early stages, this study instills optimism among scientists regarding its potential.

Another investigation conducted by Estonia observed a correlation between Follistatin expression and reduced survival rates in different cancers, such as ovarian cancer and lung cancer.

There is also the option Estonia to buy Follistatin 344 pre mixed peptide and Follistatin 344 Peptide Vial.


[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pmc/articles/PMC2393740/

[2]  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pmc/articles/PMC2852878/

[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pmc/articles/PMC2717722/


Molecular Weight: 3780 g/mol


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